3. Koppelweg/Barnbruch

Kreis Gifhorn
Subnet:  1 - F:1 - R:1 - A:1
  2 Roads
  Go East / GF-3. Koppelweg to 3. Koppelweg Ende (15 kph)
  Go Northwest / GF-Weg an Timms Jagdhütte to 2. Koppelweg/TJFW (20 kph)

Cities within a radius of 3 miles (miles as the crow flies):
Tankumseesiedlung  1.04
Grillpavillon  1.49
Timms Jagdhütte  2.22
Ich war hier am 19.5.91  2.61

Nearest Class 1 cities (miles as the crow flies):
Isenbüttel  3.69
Gifhorn  4.66
Calberlah  4.87
Osloß  5.03
Wasbüttel  6.14