
Country:  Kreis Gifhorn
Subnet:  1 - F:1 - R:1 - A:1
  4 Roads
  Go South / GF-Gutsstraße to Ribbesbüttel/Sportplatz (30 kph)
  Go West / GF-L320 to Vollbüttel/Tankstelle (90 kph)
  Go East / GF-Peiner Landstraße to Ribbesbüttel/Kurve (50 kph)
  Go North / GF-K82 to Mühlenriede (90 kph)

Cities within a radius of 3 miles (miles as the crow flies):
Ribbesbüttel  0.317
Druffelbeck  1.4
Vollbüttel  1.58
Ausbüttel  1.89
Erwin-Fötus-Hochsitz  2.18
Klein Vollbüttel  2.27
3 GKs gleichzeitig  2.36
Rötgesbüttel  2.6
Winkel  2.95

Nearest Class 1 cities (miles as the crow flies):
Ribbesbüttel  0.317
Rötgesbüttel  2.6
Isenbüttel  4.87
Meine  6.27
Gifhorn  6.42